The new year always prompts goal setting, organizing, and purging all to prepare for a successful year. For me, this is true both personally and as a senior portrait photographer. In the case of my blog, my goal is to make it clear that although I haven’t updated my blog in years that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been working with the most amazing high school seniors that Columbus has to offer. Ashton, a member of the Columbus Academy’s class of 2020 was certainly no exception. He’s smart, crazy smart. He’s mature, crazy mature. He’s kind, well rounded, and has big aspirations. Did I mention that he (and his mom) has great style? I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this hard working young man.


senior pictures Columbus academy, photographer Columbus academy, senior portraits Columbus academy senior pictures Columbus academy, photographer Columbus academy, senior portraits Columbus academy senior pictures Columbus academy, photographer Columbus academy, senior portraits Columbus academy