Caroline’s session was such a blast! We enjoyed so many laughs, locations, outfit changes and even hair styling changes; Go big or go home, right? I know she has had an incredible year but with her poise, hard work, intelligence and spirit the future will be even brighter.

Westerville Senior Photographer Fran BArkerdublin ohio Senior PhotographerGahanna Senior PhotographerGahanna Senior Photographer Fran BarkerNew Albany Senior Photographer Fran BarkerNew Albany Senior Photographer Fran Barker PhotographyNew Albany Senior PhotographerNew Albany Senior Photographer senior dance pictures

A little more about Caroline:

Greatest high school accomplishment:   Sharing my testimony in front of a couple hundred people.   <——– That is a lifetime highlight right there, my friend! So proud of you!

If I had $500 I would buy:  Clothes, clothes, and more clothes

One Day I will:  Start my own cupcake bakery and name it “Sweet Caroline’s”  (I adore this, Caroline!!)

High Heels or Running shoes:  This is a tough one… High heels

My guilty pleasure is: Justin Beiber!!!    (Caroline, I’m feeling so guilty for you!!)

Three things I will miss about high school:  My friends I’ve grown up with, football games, and getting all dolled up to dance the night away at prom and homecoming 🙂

In 5 years I see myself:  Working for a company until I earn enough to start my own 🙂 and hopefully settling down with the man God has chosen for me.

I loved working with Fran because:  She knew how to capture more than just a smile in a picture. She portrayed my personality and character through her work, which is what made my senior pictures so different from everyone else’s!

If you are looking for a Senior Portrait Photographer in Columbus Ohio I woud love to talk with you about scheduling a session. Please contact me at 614-226-1533 or fill out this form to inquire about a session. You can also follow my senior portrait work on Facebook here.